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国际/地区: Angel's City
年龄: 37



情感状况: 单身贵族
我的手机型号: n73
职业: student
学校: Holy Angel University
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dyoiedhee: always look at the bright side of your life...



People hav Lotz of Misconceptions about me,but r ol proven wrong!!! TRY ME... Once u really get 2 hang out or the least,know me..

I'm nice and siLLy, nd super talkative girl.. Sometyms i tend 2 get emotional. but most of the tym im happy! nd i dnt get angry easily..

Absolutely Lovable.. gimiks, chills or watever u call dat, as long as iM not homE,, i'M super super gaMe for it too! w/ my gud long fellas of course..

i luv hangin' out w/ my friends. my true friends particularly. 'coz dey mke me laugh out loud! nd i enjoy their cmpany a lot!

im a hopeless rmantic nd a sucker in "lOvE"... i jst cnt deal w/ it well! haha.. wen it comes 2 it, Im very "wEaK". I cnt stand it by myself, I nid my friends 2 help me solve dis thing u call- LoVE!.. hahaha..

yet im a cmple girL w/ a Lot oF big drimz, a dreamer nd a strong believer!! im a loyal person too.. 2 my friends, my family anywys...

i dfinitely h8 plastics nd dishonest people.. thOse "bAkStabbEr" iish!! wow!! get a life moron!

I can b the girl u can reLy on 2 no matter wat it tkes! once u've won me over, i've got your back all throughout..

im also not a persOn dat gves up easily but i have 2 admit..
"I aM A sEnSiTiVe pErsOn" so b careful in every single thing u saY about me..

if u dnt lyk me, well i dnt lyk u either. coz' im livin' my damn lyf the way i want, nd im happy w/ it.

yet sum people may misunderstood me. but dis is wat i wnt 2 say. judge me??! well it dpends on wat u see. but knowing me?? is ur creativity 2 luk deeper. coz' deep w/in me is wat mkes me human. not perfect. just the real one.

well mY fone completes everythin' in me!! yeah,, i sort of can't live w/out my fone.. hEhEhE..

hhmmm... wat pa ba...??
oh yeah,, im a music lover!!!

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