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13 years ago
Sardar:Will U Marry me? Girl:Sorry I'm a Lesbian. Sardar:"Whats Lesbian?" Girl:"I have Sex only with Girls". Sardar:"Maar Taali I'm also Lesbian" yOu doNt likE.. OH.. nO smiLe ok tRy aNoThEr... ''NURSE KEPT SARDAR FINGER IN HER MOUTH AFTER BLOOD TEST THEN HE STARTED DANCING.. NURSE: Y you are dancing? SARDAR:Next is urine test doN kiL mE..itS jusT a jokE 4 uR sMiLiNg wEekeNd frieNd hAVe">" border="0"/>hAVe FanTastiC weEkENd With sMiLe aNd a..a..a..a...
13 years ago
friend..miss you.. Dont say bye to friends
13 years ago
bye bye frndz
13 years ago
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13 years ago
'UsuaLLy wheN pEopLe aRe sAd, thEy don'T dO aNythiNg. ThEy juSt cRy ovEr thEir cOnDitioN. BuT whEn thEy gEt aNgRy, thEy bRiNg aBoUt a chAnGe..' sO sOmeTimeS aNgEr iS nOt bAd hAvE a aNgRy DaY... wIsHiNg a LucKy dAy...
13 years ago
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,;*"*;,;*"*;, *;,";"";"";,;* "*;,;*" tHis is my "hEART" It is beating for my friEnds & my friEnd is only \""\/ /;*"*;, \ / ,;* |__ ? OU" keep smiling.. BecausE,, "Smile is a soft languagE of love, Smile is a stream source to win Hearts, Smile creates Greatness in your Personality, So always KEEP SMILING.. tAKE CARE your simpel friend ,,""(t)(i)(n)(k)(u)"",, ('.') <)'(> _/'\_
13 years ago
'What’s thE usE oF worRyinG? It nEvEr wAs worTh whiLe, sO paCk uP yoUr trOubLes iN yoUr oLd kiT-baG, anD smiLe... smiLe... smiLe... GOOD MORNING... haVe a nicE dAy wiTh smiLe...lookE soMe exAmpLe of smiLe 4 YoU i">" border="0"/>i have won the raceangry">" border="0"/>angry smileartist">" border="0"/>artist smileback">" border="0"/>back smilenow">" border="0"/>now and then smiledeadly">" border="0"/>deadly smilenow">" border="0"/>now choose one and wear it
13 years ago
Bebodreamworld2 Present...... Ownskin Icon Of The Week...... If u want to become Ownskin Icon u can REGISTER ur Name... U Just Have To Write Ur Name Id and City Name On bebodreamworld2 Guestbook...REGISTRING Lines are Open till Wednesday midnight So Hurry!!!
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
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13 years ago
hey frnd...todays tinku's birthday.
13 years ago
Amrita plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz add me as your frnd list .

plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz
13 years ago
Amrita plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz add me as your frnd list .

plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz
13 years ago
hi frndz.,ab tinku ownskin par wapis aajaege... aaj ya kal me...
13 years ago
mujse dosti karoge
13 years ago
You aRe thE rEasOn foR mY smiLe WorDs aReNt eNouGh tO teLL yÖu hOw wÖndFrfuL yOu aRe!!! You maKe mY hEaRt meLtL...gReAt wEEkeNd aheAd... wiTh... LovE aNd smiLe
13 years ago
Aapke vote wale friend tinkuji kaha gaya
13 years ago
Mujse dhosti karogi....
13 years ago
Hold On The Friendship Friendship isn ’t how you forget, but how you forgive. Not how you listen, but how you understand. Not how you see, but how you feel. Not how you let go, but how you hold on!
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