gudm0RNinG my fl0at . . .A smile is a language even a baby understands. It costs nothing but it creates much. It happens in a flash but the memory of it may last forever. Keep on smiling! tk cr n HV A GR8 DAY AHEAD . .
hey my fl0at . . Miss na miss kita. . . . . . .h0pe ur fine. . . Valuing a person is not merely seeing each other everyday. What counts most is that somehow in our busy life, we remember each other even just by saying "Take care".hv a gr8 day ahead . . .tk cr .n g0dblss . .
☺☺The Most Important Thing In Life Is... To Love Someone... The Second Most Important ThingIn Life Is... To Have Someone Love You... The Third Most Important Thing Is... To Have The First Two Happen At The Same Time... .
Every morning has a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope.It's a perfect day coz it's God's gift. Have a blessed, hopeful perfect day to begin with.
May your salty days be peppered with spicy love. May u bask in lemon sunshine, play on strawberry fields,under a vanilla sky.. in short have aYummy day! tk cr . .
A Man askd a Sculptor,Hw do u make such Beutiful Idols 4m Stone? He rpld, Idols R alrdy Hidden. I remve unwantd stone HAPINESS is Hiden Jst remve WORIES GudMoRnG