gudm0RNinG . . .A smile is a language even a baby understands. It costs nothing but it creates much. It happens in a flash but the memory of it may last forever. Keep on smiling! tk cr n HV A GR8 DAY AHEAD . .
Valuing a person is not merely seeing each other everyday. What counts most is that somehow in our busy life, we remember each other even just by saying "Take care".hv a gr8 day ahead . . .
Many times wat u want isn-t always wat u get, but in d end wat u get is so much better than wat u wanted.. I wish u get d best in ur life! - hv a gr8 day ahead n g0dblss . . . .
We think dere is enough time to live.. Bt v nevr know which moment is d final one. So SHARE,CHEERE & LOVE Evry Moment of LIFE.. gudm0rng my dear .. G0dblss n hv a gr8 day ahead . ^^"dEvIlAsH . .o.0 chio . . . .