Some Complicated Thoughts: The saddest things in life r to remember d happiest moments of d past which seems unlikely 2 happen again in life time! We Don't Succeed In Our 1st Love! coz We Lack Certain Qualities. But After Achieving Those Qualities, We Never Love Again! Some people hurt by words & some by action But the biggest hurt i believe is that someone ignoring u when u value them bigger than anything else! We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness. A Person Who Laughs More And Makes Others Laugh Would Be Having A Thunder Storm Sadness Beneath His Heart... GOODNIGHT">" border="0"/>NIGHT
Say who is guilty??? Wife dreaming in the midnight & suddenly shouts "Quick my husband is back." Man gets up, jumps out of the window n realises damn, I am the husband!!!
90yr man: My 18yr wife is pregnant, ur opinion doc? Dr: Let me tel u a story. A hunter in a hurry, grabs n umbrela instead of d gun. He moves into d jungle, sees a lion, lifts d umbrela, pulls d handle n BANG, De lion drops dead! Old man: Dat is impossible, sum1 else must hav shot d lion! Dr: EXACTLY!!
Husband wanted to call the hospital to ask about his pregnant wife, but accidently called the cricket stadium. He asks, "How's the situation?" He was shocked & nearly died on hearing the reply.
They said, "It's fine. 2 are out,hope to get another 8 out by lunch, last one was a duck!"..
After robbing d Bank, robber 2 clerk: Did u see me robbing? Clerk: Yes. Robber shot him dead & asked d next clerk: Did u? 2nd clerk: No, But my wife saw u! Robber: smiled n said u r already dead!! the next story is.... ">" border="0"/>
Speed is calculated as "Miles per hour" but Life is calculated as "SMILES per hour" So increase ur SMILE age ">" border="0"/>
Last jokedont angry on me,i'm quiting this is my last msg keep smling
Red is the symbol of love And the yellows talks of friendship The green tells of richness and progress The blue guarantees great at heart The white symbol of peace and pure happiness There is a rainbow smile n life when all go together……….. Wise thoughts u can follow
1)Early to bed,early to rise,makes u stupid,gives u red eyes. 2)Practice makes a man perfect but nobody’s perfect. so,y practice??? 3)V r here to help others, then what exactly r the others for? 4)Money is not everything,after all there’s master card & visa! 5)Ur future depends on ur dreams, so go to sleep! 6)Hard work never killed anybody, but why to take the risk???
gut">" border="0"/>gut night
★***★★***★ There was a star in life agreed, it was much loved when it sank, it did sink. Look at the sky’s vastness, so many stars have broken away so many loved ones it has lost the lost ones, were they ever found? But tell me, for the broken stars does the sky ever grieve? That which is past, is gone... ★***★★***★">" border="0"/>★***★ There was a flower in life which, doted everyday on when it dried, it dried away. Look at the gardens, many of its flowers have that which welted, did it ever bloom? But tell me, for dried flowers does the garden create an uproar? That which is past, is gone... ★***★★***★">" border="0"/>★***★ There was a cup of wine in life which, you gave your heart and soul for when it broke, it did break. Look at the wine house’s courtyard shaken, where many cups are fall, and merge with the ground that which fall, do they ever rise? But tell me, for broken cups does the wine house ever regret? That which is past, is gone... ★***★★***★">" border="0"/>★***★ A short life, we have come with, wine cups do tend to break. Yet, inside the wine house there is a wine pot, there are wine cups. Those, struck by intoxication do splurge away on the wine. He’s a raw drinker, whose affection escapes no cup, one who has burnt from true wine does he ever shout, or scream? That which is past, is gone... THATS LIFE...LIFE MUST GO ON.... ">" border="0"/> ★***★★***★
╰♡ ╰╮ ♡╮ “No, No, No, I don’t want to show” Time has not yet come for me to go To the world that I live this world for simple reason I want to live here for some more years as a simple person. Give me some more time for worship as I followed nothing Life was enjoyed as if it may not have any end for something I repent now for not having utilized it in best way The death lords may come anytime and take me away...'' ''A human being can take away everything in life except his knowledge, thoughts and dreams, which are charged positive ideas of illusion and hope” …
╰♡ ★╰╮ ★ ♡╮ One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring. One smile begins a friendship, One handclasp lifts a soul. One star can guide a ship at sea, One word can frame the goal One vote can change a nation, One sunbeam lights a room One candle wipes out darkness, One laugh will conquer gloom. One step must start each journey. One word must start each prayer. One hope will raise our spirits, One touch can show you care. One voice can speak with wisdom, One heart can know what’s true!!!
">" border="0"/> One life can make a difference, You see, it’s up to you!!!!
---╰♡╮╰♡╮--- If its because of her eyes or her lips or her body Its not love… Its lust…
If its because of her intelligence or insight about life Its not love… Its admiration…
If its because she cries every time you try to leave Its not love… Its pity…
If its because she makes you forget to study and sleep Its not love… Its infatuation…
Love is when you do not know why you seem to be attracted to a person Love has its reason and the reason is unknown…..
I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you have to think before you speak to me! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. my presence ever makes you feel uncomfortable! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you have to thank me for everything i do for you! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you have to say sorry for everything that you don’t do! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you have to ask me for favors! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you think i would not be curious to know your new philosophy of life! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you go by what i say and do not understand what i don’t say! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you think that listening to your dreams would put me to sleep! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you think that seeing you in pain, would not bring a tear to me! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you think I do not remember the first time we met! I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND IF….. you don’t see the thousand ways I try to make you happy! ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>
═╰♡╮☆☆☆☆╰♡╮═ SoMeTiMeS AlL We cAn gIvE Is lOvE SoMeTiMeS AlL We hAvE Is nOt eNoUgH.
SoMeTiMeS LiFe iS LiKe a dReAm sOmEtImEs dReAmS ArEn’t wHaT ThEy sEeM.
SoMeTiMeS LaUgHtEr cAn hEaL YoUr hEaRt sOmEtImEs iT’S LaUgHtEr tHaT BrEaKs iT ApArT.
SoMeTiMeS ThE WoRlD GoEs fAsTeR ThAn wE CaN Go sOmEtImEs eVeN FaSt iS StiLL ToO SlOw.
sOmEtImEs gOiNg hOmE Is tHe oNlY ThInG On oUr mInD SoMeTiMeS HoMe iS ThE OnLy pLaCe wE CaN’T FiNd.
sOmEtImEs wE ArE ToO TiReD To sLeEp sOmEtImEs wE ArE ToO SaD To wEeP.
SoMeTiMeS DaRkNeSs cAn bE ToO BrIgHt sOmEtImEs rAiN GiVeS YoU DeLiGhT.
SoMeTiMeS We tHiNk wE UnDeRsTaNd sOmEtImEs wE KnOw wE ReAlLy cAn’t... . .. ... ">" border="0"/>">" border="0"/>
">" border="0"/> . .. ... LifE HaS LoTs oF FuNnY WaY Of sNeAkInG Up oN Us.. .. bUt sTiLL... .. .. LiFe iS BeAuTiFuL, iT'S HoW We LooK At iT.... .. ... GooD NiGhT.....KeEp sMiLiNg!!! ═╰♡╮☆☆☆☆╰♡╮═
=♥==♥==♥==♥==♥==♥==♥==♥= There was a girl and a boy. girl proposed the boy and boy agreed….. girl always used to say that my heart is not mine its always with you…. & I am living without heart……
after few month girl said that i cant marry you becoz my parents are not allow me but we’ll be frnds 4evr. after few months girl got married another boy..
after 2 days of her wedding,girl looking her wedding gifts. she came across a gft & start crying the gft was d heart packed in a glass jar with full of blood… the lid of the jar was attached with the paper written on it..
”hey stupid ur heart is with me na than what will u give to ur husband? ">" border="0"/> Love -Y does it Hurts – ? Y does it Pain ? Maybe its because We Love Someone so much And too Deep dat We Forget Too keep Some Love for Ourselves…!!! ">" border="0"/> True love comes to those who still hope, even though they’ve been disappointed, and to those who still smile, even though they’ve been hurt. ">" border="0"/>
Love is sweet when it’s NEW. But…. it’s sweeter when it’s TRUE .
If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, andsmarter than you think. but the mostimportant thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you.
I wish moon always be full & ampamp bright !!! U always be cool & ampamp right !!! Whenever u go to switch off the light,Remember that I am wishing u Good Night... TC
╰♡ ★ ★╰╮★ ★ ♡╮ We should keep our thoughts positive because, our thoughts become our words. We should Keep our words positive because, our words become our behaviors. We should Keep our behaviors positive because, our behaviors become our habits. We should Keep our habits positive because, our habits become our values. We should Keep our values positive because, our values become our destiny. We should keep fighting 2 achieve our destiny because, it will prove wat we are!!! ">" border="0"/>