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13 years ago
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Imagination is like a lofty building reared to meet the sky - fancy is a balloon that soars at the wind's will...

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have a sweet day
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miss You
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/>

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13 years ago
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13 years ago
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">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> ">" border="0"/> The">" border="0"/>The day I met you I found a friend - And a friendship that I pray will never end. Your smile - so sweet And so bright - Kept me going When day was as dark as night. This friendship we share Is so precious to me, I hope it grows and flourishes And lasts unto infinity. You are so extra-special to me And so this to you I really must tell: You are my one true friend..................ยค have a nice day..

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">" border="0"/> youuuurrrr`s sanjay ">" border="0"/>
13 years ago
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Earth may stop rotating.
Birds may stop flying.
Candles may stop melting.
Fishes may stop swimming.
Heart may stop breathing...
But I will never stop Missing you my friend.
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have a nice day
enjoy Your day
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13 years ago

FoUr cAndLEs sLoWLy BuRnEd...
tHe aMbiaNcE WaS SoFt, OnE CoULd ALMoSt hEaR ThEm tALkiNg...
ThE FiRsT CaNdLe sAiD: *i aM PeAcE!*
tHe wOrLd iS FuLL oF AnGeR AnD FiGhTiNg NoBoDy cAn kEeP Me Lit!.
ThEn tHe fLaMe oF PeAcE WeNt oUt cOmPLetLy.
*ThE SeCoNd cAnDlE SaId *i aM FaItH*
*i aM No LonGeR InDiSpEnSabLE.
It dOeSnt mAkE SeNsE ThAt i sTaY LiT AnOtHeR MoMeNt.*
JuSt tHeN A BrEeZe sOftLY BLeW fAiThS fLAmE.
SaDLy ThE ThIrD CaNdLe bEgAn tO SpEaK. *i aM LoVe*
PeOpLe dOnt uNdErStAnD My iMpOrTaNcE So tHeY SiMpLy pUt mE AsIdE.
ThEy eVeN FoRgOt tO LoVe tHoSe wHo aRe nEaReSt tO ThEm!.
AnD WaItInG No LOnGeR LoVeS FLamE WeNt oUt.
sUdDenLY a cHiLd eNtErS ThE RoOm aNd sAw tHe tHrEe uNLit cAnDLes.
*WhY ArEnt yOu bUrNiNg?
yOuR SuPPosEd tO StAy Lit tiLL ThE EnD.*
sAyInG ThIs, ThE ChIlD BeGaN To cRy.
tHeN ThE FoUrTh cAnDLE AnSwErEd *dOnt bE AfRaId,
*I Am hOpE!* wHiLe i aM StiLL BuRnInG We cAn rE-LiGhT ThE OtHeR CaNdLeS* WiTh sHiNiNg eYeS ThE ChILd ToOk tHe cAnDLe Of hOpE
AnD LiT ThE OtHeR CaNdLeS.ThE GrEaTeSt oF ThEsE Is LOvE...
bUt tHe fLaMe oF HoPe sHouLd NeVeR Go oUt iN YoUr LifE!
i hOpE EaCh oF Us cAn LivE WiTh pEaCe,,FaItH AnD LoVe...
i hOpE IM Nt bOtHeRiNg yOu bY A ShOrT MeSsAgE...
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hii bebo...nice to meet you
13 years ago
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good morning
13 years ago
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
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13 years ago

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good morning
have a nice day

13 years ago
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sanjay ">" border="0"/>
13 years ago
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
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thanx dear
13 years ago

Powered by
13 years ago
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13 years ago
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